Friday 2 March 2018

Week 24

We had Mission Impossible this week in the gym! Each day we had different spy music and it was so fun! We were Pink Panther Spies, James Bond Spies, The Incredibles and Mission Impossible Tom Cruise style spies!

We finished Beauty and the Beast at lunch and started the Incredibles. Some of us are excited about Incredibles 2 coming out in the theatre soon!


This week we had Pink Shirt Day! It was on Wednesday. So many of us wore pink shirts and we all looked super great showing off our kindness. As a treat we got popcorn at lunch to munch on, YUMMY! We also designed our own pink shirts (on paper) and they are all hung up in the classroom as a reminder of being kind always.

We have been working on art about positive self talk and we will be hanging them up in the hallway. We used black paper, a picture of ourselves and coloured pencil crayons. They look positively wonderful!

Our story books are really coming along! We are almost finished them and this week we worked on writing our About the Author pages and our title pages. We got to pick a colour we liked and our cover pages got glued on. Next week we are going to work on our illustration plans and typing out some of our work. Our book covers are almost ready to head off to the laminator!

In math we continued working on subtraction using base 10 blocks. We were given challenges and we learned a new trick to figure out a mystery number in an equation. Ask me what the trick is! We also worked with partners on an open ended questions on a big poster trying to find as many answers as we could! Try to solve this problem:

437 - ______ = _______ 

We earned free choice this week! We had an awesome week! 

Last week when Miss Kolb and Miss Klem were away at a conference they learned about some really fun mindfulness games and activities. We have been practicing some mindfulness this week to help us focus on doing our best work. On Friday we played a REALLY FUN focus game where we sat in a circle and passed around an object to each other. The first time we passed it along we had our eyes our eyes open, THEN we had to close them! But the really difficult part was when we had to pass around a glass of water with our eyes closed!! It was super hard but we were all incredibly focused and we only lost ONE teeny tiny little drop so we earned some extra free choice for being so impressive!

We removed the star system from the classroom this week. RIP. We discovered that some friends were not using the star system appropriately so we are now upping the amount of tickets that are handed out during the week so that we have more opportunities to win the weekly prize draw or be picked for technology during free choice.

Miss Kolb and Miss Klem were out of the classroom on Thursday afternoon. They were still in the school doing some professional development with Ms. Engel (the three of them were in math ninja mode all afternoon!).

Our Celebration of Learning is quickly approaching! Auditions were held this week for students that wish to share a special talent they have during the celebration. This was optional and students that will be chosen to perform the night of the Celebration will find out on Monday.

In Science/Social we got posters with pictures of kids traveling. We had to brainstorm what we thought was happening in the pictures.

It is now March! We can hardly believe it! There are only 4 months of school left! 

Scholastic went home this week. If you would like to order any books (like your own copy of Wonder) you can place your order by March 8. 

Until next week,


Room 7 & 8



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  2. wow you guys really enjoying gym, and I liked the idea of passing objects while keep closing eyes, thumbs up for you both pretty girls.


  4. it is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun from HAILEY

  5. GUGAN is acting like tarzan
