Sunday 21 January 2018

Week Eighteen

On Friday we got to have an extra music class! We joined up together and Room 13 joined us, so it was a little bit packed in here! We had a special guest, Ms. (find out) who used to be a member of an orchestra. She plays the viola and the violin. She started playing when she was in grade 3 and told us all about the bow and how it is made from horse hair. We got to feel the horse hair and it was very thick and strong.

An artist came in this week! Her name is Ms. F and we started to construct our masks. We started with a paper plate and built up the shape of our animals faces with news paper and tape and then paper mache over top of it! The paper mache was made from flour, glue and water, it was super goopy! We added the ears and facial features this week and next week we will continue to add on the details and begin painting. Thank you so, so, so, so, so much to the parents who came in to help us with this!!!!!!!!

In gym we started volley ball this week! We learned the skills of bumping, setting and serving. We practiced with balloons, practice volley balls and real volley balls if we felt we were ready.

In Science we continued on with our design and building challenge. We started building our prototypes this week and we will be adding popcorn to them next week to see who had the most effective popcorn bag design using the rubric we made together. We are looking for a bag that is stable, durable, and strong.

This week we got a new student teacher that is going to learn with us. She is called Miss S. and this is her second year in university. We are excited to get to know her and help her become a great teacher!

Open Gym started this week. Grade 3's go on Thursday mornings from 7:45am to 8:15am and Grade 4's go on Friday mornings from 7:45am to 8:15am.

In writing we are creating fables about the animals we chose from the countries we are studying. We worked on figuring out which characteristic we would like to write about and we also started to make up a problem for our stories as well as setting. We used the computers to research where our animal is from and what their habitat is like. Next week we are going to be working on making a character list, and writing our ideas down for a beginning, middle and end. These stories are going to be amazing when they are finished and it is so cool that it is connected with Social Studies, art and soon to be Science. We read a story called "Why are There Shooting Stars?" - ask me what shooting stars are!

We got new jobs on our job board and we also emptied out our ticket jar! New year, fresh start! There have already been lots of tickets handed out this year, and we will recycle the old tickets, but not before we graph how many were handed out!

We earned free choice this week! Yay!

In math we got partners and we shared the addition strategies we already know with each other. Lots of us have some creative problem solving ideas! We had a piece of paper and we showed them our strategy and then we wrote down out partner's strategy on our paper too.

This week we finished "Big Hero 6" and "Monster's Inc." at lunch time then we started watching a movie called "Mulan" (one of Miss Kolb's favourites from the 90s!)

We continued on with Wonder and we are now reading from Auggie's sister's perspective, her name is Via.

Parent/Teacher Conferences are next week! Please make sure to book a time to talk to your child's teacher about all the hard work they have been doing in class! Click below to book your time:

Until next week,


Room 7 & 8


  1. hi miss klem and miss kolb

  2. This week I read "The
    and only
    Inshal <-----(a overall cool person)
