Saturday 2 December 2017

Week Thirteen

We had two birthday's recently! Happy Birthday E & R!

This week we began writing instructions on how to do something we are really good at. We thought about what our "smarts" are and thought about the talents we had and the things we enjoy doing and do well. Some of the activities we wrote about were acrobatics, video games, soccer, cooking, youtube, drawing, basket ball and many other talents we had.

This week we met with our buddies TWICE! We read two books about snowmen together and then we made some really cool art using those books for inspiration. We used, paper, fabric, felt, markers, and paint to make our very own snow people.

We read "Sneezy the Snowman" and "The Heart of a Snowman" After we read the books we thought about ways we could keep a snowman warm, and now we all know that snowmen get their hearts from little boys and girls who make them! That's why snowmen melt, their hearts get too warm!


Yesterday was our last day doing basketball in gym. Next week we are going to be shaking our booties to some music in the up coming dance unit. Mr Collins is really excited to show us his sweet moves.

Ms. Hfuda, our student teacher, had her very last day with us on Wednesday. We gave her some really nice art and letters we worked hard on. She was super happy to have gotten such a nice momento from us!

Our book is almost ready for the publisher! We are hopefully going to be sending it out in the mail on Monday.

We earned free choice again this week! We did a much better job this week and everyone had free choice!

At the beginning of the week we started off with a class meeting to make a plan about how we could have a better week.  In health we are continuing to learn about whole body listening and we have had a few class meetings to talk about respecting each other, we also talked about all the things we were doing well, which is a lot of things! We also talked together about what we think we could improve so we can have more time to do fun activities together and use our learning time in other ways besides having so many class meetings about being nice to people. We made these 3 goals for ourselves:

1. We will listen to others showing whole body listening. 

2. We will come to the carpet when it is expected. 

3. We will keep our hands and bodies to ourselves. 

Yesterday we had a math quiz. It was a number sense check-in to see what we have learned so far and what we need a little bit more practice on. The test had representing numbers, rounding to the nearest 10 or 100, adding 10 more, 10 less or 100 more and 100 less, filling in a place value chart, figuring out which place value numbers were in, ordering numbers from least to greatest and greatest to least and showing expanded form.

This week we earned a movie back for lunch time! We watched The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

We also got together with the people that researched the same organization as us to put together a small presentation about what we learned. We will be presenting to the class next week.

Today is the first day of December! This is the last month of the year 2017.  We have only 12 and a half days in class together this month before our Winter Break starts on December 22. Report cards will be coming out this month and you will get to take them home on the 20th!

That's all for this week!

Until next week,


Room 7 & 8


1 comment:

  1. Dena,the one of Bilal,Gugan and Sartak is the best.
