Wednesday 22 February 2017

Pink Shirt Day 2017

Today at CJFS we celebrated Pink Shirt Day! As a class we brainstormed what pink shirt day meant to us, here are some of the things we came up with: 

"Pink shirt day is a day to show people that bullying is not a good thing to do and if a boy wears a pink shirt that no one should go up to them and say that’s a girl colour because anyone should be able to wear any colour and be happy about it."

"Wearing pink today is like a promise not to bully anyone."

"Pink shirt day is like if someone is left out you can call them to play with you or if someone is hurt you can help them."

"Some people bully because they got bullied and now they are bullying back. You should be able to wear any colour you want, pink purple or any colour and not get made fun of."

"Some bullies become bullies because they are lonely so wearing a pink shirt today means that you will include others."

"If you are wearing a pink shirt on pink shirt day it shows that you care."

"Even if you didn’t wear a pink shirt today it doesn’t mean you can’t still celebrate it and show kindness."

Pink shirt day is basically like giving an oath: “I will be nice to everyone every day.”

"One small act of kindness can do a lot."

"Pink shirt day is just a reminder to be nice no matter what. It doesn’t matter if someone is not nice to you it is important that you are nice to everyone anyway."

"Bullying is not nice and it is not an example we want to set."

Here is a video we watched that tells the story of how Pink Shirt Day started. It's pretty amazing that it is now a Canada Wide celebration all because two boys wanted to make a difference to someone.

Click the link below to go to the website if you want to learn more about Pink Shirt Day and how it is making a difference for people in Canada :)

Today, along with wearing our pink shirts, we also designed some pink shirts to show our support, check them out! 




Love and Kindness from, 

All of us in Room 7 & 8!

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