Friday 16 September 2016

Week Two in 7/8

This week we continued to create art on our work book covers and learned about abstract art through the artist Kandinsky. We used oil pastels to create our own version of abstract art. They look incredible! 

We also created circle patterns inside circles with sharpies for our word work books. They are currently a work in progress and are starting to look really neat!

We went on a riveting nature walk around our school. We discovered that there was garbage on the ground, 'thousands' of female seagulls and a male seagulls, Mr. Collins teaching gym, leaves falling, some leaves are changing colours, pigeons , seagulls eating garbage off the ground, we saw the plants we planted and we saw bees there! It was also noted that there are millions of rocks.

After our walk we looked at pictures of cities that are really clean and cities that are not so clean. We learned that Calgary is actually one of the top 5 cleanest cities in the whole world. However when we looked at pictures of the landfill in Calgary we saw many recyclable items that were not sorted properly!

Earlier this week we started a math pre-test to see what we remember from last year! We were very excited to start math and learned that we have lots of manipulatives we can use to help us solve problems.

This week we wrote pattern poems about ourselves. It was an "I am" poem, it was all about me, I had to fill out the poem using four different sentence starters. The poem had parts that repeated and we had to use adjectives to our poems so they had lots of details and had to use full sentences. Turns out our class is quite poetic.

We started talking about RUBRICS this year. We use rubrics to make sure that we do our best work. When we are working we can use our rubrics to look at to make sure that we have done our jobs the best we can. I can use my rubric to check over my work before I hand it in. Using rubrics is good because then I know what my teacher expects and what I think makes good work. We made writing and math rubrics this week.


Until next week,


Room 7 & 8

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