Monday, 25 June 2018

Week 39

We had the grade 6 farewell this Friday. The gym was decorated so nicely and the pictures of the grade 6's were beautiful! We wish them all the best on their new journey into grade 7!  

Today is our last Friday together until next year! There is only two and a half days of school left!!!!!! Ahhh!!!!!! Wednesday is our last day before summer break. It is a half day. School will be back on in September! 

We have started to clean up and empty out the classroom. The walls are looking pretty bare! We are starting to take some of our work and art home this week as well, like our masks and symmetry art. 

We had some birthday's this week! Happy Birthday H, T & N! 


We finished Stuart Little the novel. On Monday we will be watching the movie to do a compare and contrast about what was the same and what was different. The movie and the book are very different!! 

Image result for stuart little novel  VS.  Image result for stuart little movie

In Social we presented our work to each other. We stood up at the front of the class and read about our days to each other. They were done so creatively! 

Then we continued learning about and researching the four countries and what it would be like to be a child living there. We got to pick a fake name from one of the countries that interested us the most. Then we wrote about what our life would be like if we lived in that country. We typed them out and they are in the hallway as our last bulletin board display for the year! The art we did for them was really creative too! 

In Science we did more research about animals. We got a research guide we worked on in our science books using the computers. We found out the definitions for all the animal groups and researched about some of the animals in each group.  

We also share with each other our animal posters that we made and took notes on each others animals. We did a gallery walk around the classroom to look at everyone's amazing work!


In Math, we had a magic math picture we worked on that had some tricky math questions on it! And we talked about patterns and shapes this week. We watched a brainPop video about patterns and we learned about the "unit" in a pattern and how there are many different types of patterns, for example there can be patterns that repeat, increase, and decrease. Patterns can be seen everywhere!

Wednesday was Pizza Day in lunch room! Yummy. 

In gym, a common activity for free play has been to watch and find the gophers. If you're pretty quiet you might get to see a whole bunch of them! 


Even Mr. Collins joined in on the fun!

During our Room 7/8 time we got to go outside in the hot summer sun on the first official day of the summer season. We drew and wrote about things that represent summer to us. 

Until next week, 


Room 7 & 8 

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