Thursday, 17 May 2018

Week 34

Ms. Gunderson was away this week. She is in Halifax, Nova Scotia, to get her Master's Degree in Music. She really is a remarkable music teacher and we are so lucky to have her! Congratulations Ms. Gunderson on all your hard work!

We had a picnic as a school on Tuesday! We all got together and ate outside in the hot sun! We got to cool down with a delicious ice cream treat from lunch program! Yum!

We had a Birthday this week! Happy Birthday A!

We worked on some more country reviews and completed the Peru country guide this week. We then started Ukraine. Next week we will finish Ukraine and start Tunisia.

Novel Study is still going strong :)

We had gym together outside this week! It was so fun! It might be wise for us to bring bug spray to school for when we go outside. The mosquitos are out in full force this spring and lots of us are getting bitten! Yikes!

In math we are learning strategies for multiplication. Check out some examples of what we have been doing in class below:

On Thursday we had the Skip-a-thon for Jump Rope for Heart. 

We had a very special guest come into the classroom this week! In Room 6 we have a friend that has hearing aids. He came in with his hearing specialist and she taught us a lot about hearing loss and hearing impairment. When the hearing specialist came in we did a hearing challenge to see how much we could hear if we had hearing loss or damage. There are two kinds of hearing impairment, they are called conductive hearing loss and sensory neural hearing loss. Conductive hearing loss can be cured with medication but sensory neural hearing loss cannot be fixed, thats where hearing aids can be helpful. When we did the test we learned that even with hearing aids it is still very difficult to hear and especially with background noise! We learned even more about the inside of our ears as well. We learned that the ear drum is flexible and moves like a real drum would. We also learned that the smallest bones in our body are in our ears. All 3 of these bones can fit onto your pinkie nail! That's tiny!!

We did a fun science/writing activity. We listened to a sound and wrote about what we heard, where we thought we were, what we smelled and what we were doing. Some of the stories were very creative!

We have some unfortunate news. Our two chicks passed away in their eggs before they had a chance to hatch. Farmer Mark might let us borrow some chicks in June so we can see what they are like.

The Volunteer Tea, to thank all of the wonderful volunteers that have spent time with us this year in the school and on field trips, is next week. Our class is responsible for making beautiful center pieces for the tables. We need EMPTY and CLEAN tin cans of all sizes from either soups, sauces or canned fruits and vegetables. Please, if you can, bring some in!!

We got to take all of our art that we made about the countries home. Sadly, because our plates were so delicate, some of them didn't survive the trip home. :(

We uploaded items to iris. Be sure to log in at home and check them out!

Ramadan started this week :) Happy Ramadan! 


We have no school Friday or Monday. We will see you all again on Tuesday, May 22! 

Until next week,


Room 7 & 8


  1. hi beautiful girls,
    happy Ramadan, as Ramadan approached weather seems to be a little cold but that's very fortunate for me because a little cool weather helps you not to sweat a lot and you don't get thirsty too much, and thanks you sooooooo much for explain maths tricks on page I will definitely make hisham do some practice.

    1. I’m so glad you found the math pictures helpful! Hisham needs to know up to 5x5 in grade 3, and extra practice at home is always a good thing. I hope you have a great month of Ramadan! Enjoy the long weekend Mrs. Ghori!

      -Miss Kolb

  2. HAI IS MAH EMMA! I loved the skip-a-thon it was so much fun!!!!

    1. Hi Emma!! Hope you’re having a fun long weekend!! xox -Miss Kolb

  3. Hey its me jan jk its me janaya i had sooo much fun on the skipathon and math was the best whohoooo yayyyy love janaya♡

    1. The skip-a-thon was a lot of fun! Glad you are enjoying Math “Jan”! Hope you’re having a great long weekend! xox -Miss Kolb

  4. Hi its Jenneh

