On Wednesday we went to the Learning Commons and got some new books to read.
Lunch room has been pretty difficult for us lately. We have been having a very hard time showing respectful actions and listening to our lunch supervisor so we lost the privilege of getting to watch a movie during our lunch break on Wednesday and Thursday. We were given some time to reflect on our actions and were assigned homework to help us start to think about how we should treat others and have conversations with our parents about why it is important to be kind to everyone.
As a class we have been having a rough time with showing each other and this place respect. We have had many class meetings this week about why it is important to be respectful and ways we can help ourselves when we become frustrated.
Mrs. Gjosund came in again this week and we continued to learn more about whole body listening. We looked at cartoon characters from TV shows and highlighted ways they were showing whole body listening. It was a fun activity!
We had two friends come back from extended trips with their families! We are so happy to have them back!
The results are in! After posting a pole on last weeks blog we got a whopping 9 responses about what our 'Kindness Box' should be called. Based on the pie chart below we were able to determine that most of the votes went to "The Box of Positivity" so every week we will be able to put notes in our box of positivity about the great things happening in our school and in our classroom and read them together.
In Social Studies we got to go on the computers with partners and research some organizations that help people around the world. The organizations we are researching are Doctors without Borders, WWF, UNICEF, Save the Children, CARE, and Red Cross. Ask me which one I have been researching and what I have learned about how they help people or animals.
We also learned about rounding. These are some of the tools we learned about to help us remember the rule for rounding by 10's. Next week are going to practice rounding by 10's, 100's and maybe even 1000's if you're up for a challenge!
We practiced 10 more 10 less playing a game. It was a silent game and we had to work together to find our matching sets. The whole class did this in under 5 minutes! WOW!
During free choice this week some of us had to get some unfinished work done before we got to play. Some of us had to work on our Respect homework we didn't finish and a few of us were working on finishing up our book page.
We presented our findings on natural disasters this week with our groups. It was amazing to hear about all the new information we learned about them through our research. We then hung up our posters in the hallway for all to see.
Unfortunately we had to push back the publishing date for our book. However it is still in full swing and we are almost ready to send it to the publisher. We thought it would be better to send in a complete book rather than a partially unfinished one! We can hardly wait to see it!
Room 7 & 8