Friday, 24 November 2017

Week 12

This week we had a lock down practice as a school. During the lock down we were in separate places in the school. One class was in Music with Ms. Gunderson and the other class was in the gym with Mr. Collins and Miss Kolb. The students in the gym were very good at quietly dropping what they were doing and working together to get up into room 20. It was pretty squishy with 3 classes in there but everyone did a really good job. While room 8 was hiding in the book corner Ms. Gunderson collected a student from another class in the school and he stayed with us for the lockdown. We were really impressed with him because it must have been strange to be in a room with so many strangers in a scary situation. During the lock down there was a real police officer that went around the school to make sure we were doing our jobs the best we could. He was really impressed with how quiet our school was and that both the teachers and the students were doing their jobs.

On Wednesday we went to the Learning Commons and got some new books to read. 

Lunch room has been pretty difficult for us lately. We have been having a very hard time showing respectful actions and listening to our lunch supervisor so we lost the privilege of getting to watch a movie during our lunch break on Wednesday and Thursday. We were given some time to reflect on our actions and were assigned homework to help us start to think about how we should treat others and have conversations with our parents about why it is important to be kind to everyone.

As a class we have been having a rough time with showing each other and this place respect. We have had many class meetings this week about why it is important to be respectful and ways we can help ourselves when we become frustrated.

Mrs. Gjosund came in again this week and we continued to learn more about whole body listening. We looked at cartoon characters from TV shows and highlighted ways they were showing whole body listening. It was a fun activity!

We had two friends come back from extended trips with their families! We are so happy to have them back!

The results are in! After posting a pole on last weeks blog we got a whopping 9 responses about what our 'Kindness Box' should be called. Based on the pie chart below we were able to determine that most of the votes went to "The Box of Positivity" so every week we will be able to put notes in our box of positivity about the great things happening in our school and in our classroom and read them together.

In Social Studies we got to go on the computers with partners and research some organizations that help people around the world. The organizations we are researching are Doctors without Borders, WWF, UNICEF, Save the Children, CARE, and Red Cross. Ask me which one I have been researching and what I have learned about how they help people or animals.

In math we learned what 'expanded form' means and we learned two ways to show how to break apart numbers. We learned the 'stair case' method using a place value chart and the horizontal method that shows numbers using place value and addition. You could also choose to show both ways in your work if you wanted to.

We also learned about rounding. These are some of the tools we learned about to help us remember the rule for rounding by 10's. Next week are going to practice rounding by 10's, 100's and maybe even 1000's if you're up for a challenge!


We practiced 10 more 10 less playing a game. It was a silent game and we had to work together to find our matching sets. The whole class did this in under 5 minutes! WOW!

In gym we started practicing shooting into the basket. Next week we are going to start learning the rules for basket ball games and have a game!

During free choice this week some of us had to get some unfinished work done before we got to play. Some of us had to work on our Respect homework we didn't finish and a few of us were working on finishing up our book page.

We presented our findings on natural disasters this week with our groups. It was amazing to hear about all the new information we learned about them through our research. We then hung up our posters in the hallway for all to see.

Unfortunately we had to push back the publishing date for our book. However it is still in full swing and we are almost ready to send it to the publisher. We thought it would be better to send in a complete book rather than a partially unfinished one! We can hardly wait to see it!

Until next week,


Room 7 & 8

Friday, 17 November 2017

Week 11

This week was jam packed with Math and Writing! We have been busy working on getting our book ready for the publisher and building our number sense. Check it out!

Thursday was fun lunch for those of us that ordered it! Yumm, Thank you parent council for organizing this!

On Monday we had a birthday, Happy Birthday J! :)

We continued learning skills in Basketball this week. We practiced dribbling and passing. We also practiced the skill of stealing the ball playing Basketball tag. Ask me how to play!


In math this week we learned the greater than, less than and equal to signs in math this week.  Ask me which one is which! To help us remember which way the symbol goes we picture a very, very hungry alligator who wants to always eat the larger numbers!


We also learned about how to add "more and less" in the 10's place, 100's place and 1000's place! This was a good exercise to learn about place value and how to quickly add numbers using place value.

We also learned tonnes of ways to represent a number! We came up with about 15 together! Wowza!

We got back our math tests on time this week and our rocks and minerals tests. Miss Kolb and Miss Klem were really impressed! We did pretty good on them! And they also reminded us that the test is not our final mark but just a part of it because every time we are learning about something our teachers are counting that towards our understanding too.

In writing we are nearing the completion of getting our drafts done so that we can send out our book to the publisher on November 23rd. If parents are interested they can purchase a book of their own that you get to take home. The cost is $19.95 CDN and the order forms are due on Tuesday November 21st if you would like one.


We had a class meeting about safety this week and talked about the different types of emergencies we can have and specifically talked about what to do in a lockdown situation. We learned about the two different types of lock downs and what our teachers jobs are during those times and what our jobs are. Ask me what my job is during an emergency.

On Mondays Mrs. Gjosund and joins us for health lessons. She taught us about whole body listening this week. We learned how to listen with every part of our bodies like our eyes, ears, mouths, feet, hands, brain and heart. When we listen with our hearts we are able to understand each other better.

Most of us are finished up our natural disaster research and posters and we will be presenting them next week.

In music we have been learning more about beat and rhythm patterns and seeing what 2's, 3's and 4's would look like on the report card. Ms. Gunderson is teaching us about how we can challenge ourselves to do our best in music class.

We had free choice this week, our star system has been working pretty well. Some friends have made some really big improvements from last week and it has been really nice to see some more leaders in the classroom. And people have been doing their new classroom jobs well this week.

Our kindness box is going really well. It has been nice to see so many friends being recognized by friends for showing kind actions and helping out around the classroom, at recess and at lunch. We have decided we are going to come up with an official name for our box, you can vote for them on the blog. Here are the options we have come up with together:

The weather is changing into winter weather, please check what the weather is going to be like every day so you come to school prepared to go outside at recess and lunch! This means, proper coats, snow pants, boots, hats, scarves and mittens!!