Thursday, 23 February 2017

Week 23

Our pet plant is now also officially dead. When we start our plant life cycles unit in science perhaps we will be much better at keeping things alive...

Now we take care of a jar of water.

We got to start using the climber in gym this week, it is awesome! Today in gym Mr. Collins told us it was the last day of the gymnastics stations and that next week MISSION IMPOSSIBLE begins! Because the climber is out open gym will be cancelled for this week and next week.


Today we had our Roots of Empathy baby visits! Baby Lena sat up for the first time all by herself today! It was neat to see and exciting for her mom!

Tomorrow is the Kindergarten assembly, we are so excited to see our little friends share their learning in their first assembly!

This week in math we have been learning more about patterns and multiplication. We learned about attributes this week in patterns, some attributes in a pattern can be shape, size, colour, position, thickness (2D or 3D) and number. Ask me what these words mean! Next week we are going to continue learning about our times tables by going into 7's, 8's, 9's and 10's!


We had our first right to play assembly of the year! Right to Play is an organization where it goes to different countries to teach children learning games to help improve learning. We got to keep a ball called "Red" to remind us of the importance of the connection between play and learning.

We read a very funny tumble book called "Joseph's Big Ride" we laughed and laughed. It was about a girl that had a bike, a guy named Joseph/ Tomorrow Hey that wanted to ride her bike. Turns out the boy was talking to the bike and not the girl and it was all very humorous and confusing and had awful grammar!

This week we have been continuing to write our story drafts. They are really coming along and we are beginning to realize how much work it is to write a story and what it must actually be like to be an author.

In writing we took a break from our story writing for one day with Ms. N and Ms. V (our student teachers who come every Wednesday to learn about how to become a teacher) who showed us a video called "Carrot Crazy!" We had to do a similar activity to when we watched "The Dot." We stopped the video and had to write about how we thought it would end. We came up with tons of creative ideas! Watch the video below:

Today we had lunch this week... everyday. Yum. One day was even a pizza fun lunch, extra yum!

Yesterday was pink shirt day, check out the blog post we made about it! 

Until next time,


Room 7 & 8

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Pink Shirt Day 2017

Today at CJFS we celebrated Pink Shirt Day! As a class we brainstormed what pink shirt day meant to us, here are some of the things we came up with: 

"Pink shirt day is a day to show people that bullying is not a good thing to do and if a boy wears a pink shirt that no one should go up to them and say that’s a girl colour because anyone should be able to wear any colour and be happy about it."

"Wearing pink today is like a promise not to bully anyone."

"Pink shirt day is like if someone is left out you can call them to play with you or if someone is hurt you can help them."

"Some people bully because they got bullied and now they are bullying back. You should be able to wear any colour you want, pink purple or any colour and not get made fun of."

"Some bullies become bullies because they are lonely so wearing a pink shirt today means that you will include others."

"If you are wearing a pink shirt on pink shirt day it shows that you care."

"Even if you didn’t wear a pink shirt today it doesn’t mean you can’t still celebrate it and show kindness."

Pink shirt day is basically like giving an oath: “I will be nice to everyone every day.”

"One small act of kindness can do a lot."

"Pink shirt day is just a reminder to be nice no matter what. It doesn’t matter if someone is not nice to you it is important that you are nice to everyone anyway."

"Bullying is not nice and it is not an example we want to set."

Here is a video we watched that tells the story of how Pink Shirt Day started. It's pretty amazing that it is now a Canada Wide celebration all because two boys wanted to make a difference to someone.

Click the link below to go to the website if you want to learn more about Pink Shirt Day and how it is making a difference for people in Canada :)

Today, along with wearing our pink shirts, we also designed some pink shirts to show our support, check them out! 




Love and Kindness from, 

All of us in Room 7 & 8!

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Super Short Week 22

On Monday we went to the Arts Commons downtown to see Kenny Broad, a National Geographic explorer.  While he was talking to us he showed us pictures and videos of some of his dives and they were so cool! It was neat to see him crawl through such small holes underwater into these huge large caves, it was like a whole new world. He even has found lots of new species. We learned that a good friend of his and his diving teacher passed away recently. His name was Wes Skiles. Wes inspired Kenny because he didn't go to a formal school to learn about diving, he was mostly self taught and invented and created a lot of diving gear simply because he was so passionate about exploring the world. Kenny Broad told us about how dangerous diving can be but also how inspiring and exciting it can be if done safely. Kenny Broad is very brave for deciding to be a cave diver and explorer of the world.  He told us that even if he is being paid for a dive he will not go through with it if it does not seem safe. Safety is very important!

At this talk, we learned that anything we put on the ground ANYWHERE goes into our fresh water supply and eventually into our drinking water. It is very important to put our waste in the proper places so that we can preserve our fresh water.

We learned that there are different layers of water in caves that mix up. We got to see videos and pictures of a bright pink layer of water that is filled with bacteria, it was wild! There is lots of cool things to find in caves, for example.... Kenny Broad even found 400 year old alligator poop. Besides just finding animal secretions... He has also found long, lost extinct human species and their skeletons. Caving is an important way for anthropologists to find out more about the human species.

After the presentation Kenny Broad had an open question period where students who were in the audience could ask anything they wanted. Someone from our very own room got a chance to ask him "How many minutes does a whirl pool last?" We were very interested in whirl pools because Kenny Broad showed us a video of a time where he almost got caught in a whirl pool.

After the field trip we had to wait a long time for our busses to arrive. Miss Kolb and Miss Klem were very impressed with how well behaved room 7 & 8 were. Room 7 & 8's bus almost left Miss Kolb behind, when she was returning after checking that all the other kids were on the right busses and all were accounted for, Miss Kolb had to run to the bus door! Then we took a long bus ride back to the school after the field trip and we got to eat lunch in our classroom and then have our very own "private lunch" play time outside with our teachers. We learned the importance of proper footwear when playing in the snow so that we don't slip 400 times.

Today is Valentine's Day! Happy Valentine's Day!

We wrote valentines to our secret valentines. We could choose if we wanted to write our names on the card or leave them anonymous. We also got valentines from some of our peers in our class. We absolutely spoiled our teachers with cards, teddies, and chocolates! They are very appreciative of the kind gesture!

Today in math we continued learning our multiplication skills. We learned about multiplying by 3's and 4's. Ask me what the rule is for these multiples!

In gym we started on balance beams. Mr. Collins was sick so Miss Kolb and Miss Klem both taught us gym today.  We used the benches to practice our balance and safe jumps so that we don't hurt ourselves in gymnastics. We practiced moving across the balance beams in high, medium and low ways. We also worked on practicing passing each other safely while going across the balance beam.



We do not have school on Thursday, Friday or Monday! Have a super duper long weekend and we will see you on Tuesday Feb 21!

Until next time, Love,

Room 7 & 8

Friday, 10 February 2017

Week 21

This week we started our very own stories in writing. We started by making a character profile and then completing a story plan. Next week we will be starting our first drafts! Ask me what character I made up for my story.


In gym we started gymnastics, we have been practicing different ways to move our bodies like log rolls, pencil rolls, jumps and all sorts of other things including only using the upper part of our bodies to move us. We all look so stylish for gym because we have to wear our pants tucked in!

In math we started multiplication! We are finding that multiplication is filled with patterns!



In science this week we used Lego to graph the data we collected about how far our catapults shot. It was difficult to figure out how to do this at the beginning but we used our growth mindsets and figured it out!





This week we had some birthdays! Happy Birthday A-M, S, & K!!


This week we earned our free choice, some people also earned technology! It was a great week in grade 3/4!

Next week is Valentine's day! We will be having a secret Valentine activity where students are given a classmates name and they have to secretly watch them and then write them a nice anonymous note. Speaking of Valentine's Day, if you choose to bring in Valentines, please bring one in for everyone in the classroom and we are asking that there is no candies or chocolates attached (unless you want to give them to your teachers of course) due to safety reasons. Since it is a day to celebrate kindness we feel it is important to make sure everyone feels loved and important.

VERY IMPORTANT: Monday is our field trip. DO NOT be late!! We are leaving first thing in the morning to the Arts Commons to see explorer Kenny Broad!

We will be leaving at 8:45am make sure to eat a big healthy breakfast as we might not have an opportunity for a snack at the theatre.

You will need to bring:
A big lunch! And a warm jacket.

We will return to the school around 12:00pm

Until next time, Love,

Room 7 & 8

Have a great weekend!