We had another visit with our artist this week. We started painting our masks and we will have one more meeting with her on February 5th to add the final details. Some of us started to add some details using forks, sponges, and tooth picks.
We finished making our popcorn bags in Science and tested our designs! We filled them to the brim with popcorn and counted all the kernels that they could hold. Then we counted them. At parent teacher interviews the winning design will be revealed!!!
And a BIG thanks from Mr. Thalmo (Miss Kolb and Miss Klem too!) to all the helpers that cleaned up the aftermath of popcorn bag testing!!
In gym we continued with Volley Ball and started to play mini games. We are getting pretty good at the skills of bumping and setting. Next week we are going to be using scooters around the gym!
This Thursday and Friday are Parent Teacher Interviews (PTI). They are Thursday night from 4-8pm and Friday from 8:30am-1:00pm. Thank you to all the parents and family members that came out to see all of the amazing thinking, learning and growth that your child has been doing so far this year! See you Monday!
These are the results we talked about at conferences in some more detail:
We had buddies this week! Unfortunately Ms. Pasion, one of the grade 1/2 teachers that we have buddies with, is leaving for the rest of the year so we are happy we get to spend one last buddy time with her! We helped the grade 1/2's write some nice letters that she will get to take home and keep. We will miss her very much!
Because we are going on a field trip with Ms. Gunderson she has been busy preparing us for it by having music with us every day this week to teach us about the orchestra instruments and the instrument families. The instrument families are woodwind, percussion, strings, and brass. We will be going to Jack Singer Concert Hall to learn more about the instruments. We were given homework and had the option to research about some very influential composers. We have been having music with other classes which has been kind of cool! Room 7 has been having music with Room 12 and Room 8 has been having music with Room 6. It has been nice to get to know some other grade 3/4 kids that we don't get to spend that much time with.
We continued working on our story plans and made character lists and we planned what we want to happen in the beginning, middle and end of our stories. Next week we should be ready to start our first drafts!
In math we learned about efficient addition strategies, the ones we learned about that help us to solve problems quickly and effectively were staking/lining up, base 10 blocks and using a place value chart.
We did not have free choice this week because there was no school on Friday! However, we did have a pretty good week and our board is still very much lit up with lots of bright orange stars recognizing all the hard work everyone has been doing in our classroom to show leadership skills and respectful listening and actions.
We are enjoying having a student teacher in our class too! We notice that she likes to carry around a notebook and takes lots of notes about the things we are doing in our class. We are learning from her that note taking is a very important skill to have.
Here are some really helpful websites to use at home to continue to improve on your reading!
Username: cjfscott
Password: reads
Happy Reading!
Until next week,
Room 7 & 8