We had Parent Teacher Interviews on Wednesday and Thursday, thank you so much for coming parents! It is always so nice to have everybody come into the classroom to see the amazing work we do in room 7/8
On Wednesday we did some art! We used forks, spoons, bubble wrap and our fingers to paint pictures of Spring, they turned out beautifully!
School is back on April 3!
Have a wonderful Spring Break full of rest, reading, fun and family time, we will miss you!
We got to go outside and enjoy the lovely weather on Wednesday and Thursday! It was very slippery and there were huge puddles! It was hard to resist jumping and admiring the puddles, someone even almost went into one head first! Teachers philosophy on puddles is: "If you're feet get wet that's your fault!"
Today is a friends birthday! Happy Birthday D! We had a few other birthdays this week, Happy Birthday I and R!
Today is also St. Patrick's Day. St Patrick's Day is a global celebration of Irish culture on or around March 17. It particularly remembers St Patrick.
In gym we have been playing so many fun games. One of them is Silent Simon Says, it's pretty difficult for our class to be SILENT! In gym we also played a sword fighting game, 6 people got a noodle and the people with the noodles had to try to hit people in the leg with them and if you got hit then you had to do either 10 jumping jacks, burpees, or push ups! The other game was called Opposites and it was SUPER hard! If Mr. Collins said GO! you had to STOP! and if he said "go as fast as you can!" we had to go as sllloooowwww as we could! It got very confusing very quickly! Turns out we have a bunch of cheaters in our room that are working on playing fair!
We learned a new thing in math, we started to work on multiplication word problems and continued learning about arrays and multiplication strategies. We also started working on Commutative properties! This caused quite a commotion about spelling and pronunciation in our room! Ask me to show you how to solve this problem using Commutative Properties: 4 x 3 = In math we also learned about time! Ms. N and Ms. V led a cool lesson about the clock with us on Wednesday.
In science we learned about levers and pulleys. We watched a cool and funny video with a girl that had a kind of funny accent. After spring break we are going to be doing a pulley challenge! You can research pulleys over the spring break.
Eat Well Play Well started this week! To get points for this challenge you need to bring healthy snacks and exercise every night. The class in the school with the most points wins a healthy snack party! Our class is in charge of doing the announcements for the Eat Well Play Well Challenge. It's super fun to get to use the PA system and announce information to the school!
We are learning about brrraaaaaiiiiinnnnssssss in health! There are lobes in our brain. The lobes are the Frontal lobe, Parietal lobe, Occipital lobe, Temporal lobes and the Cerebellum! We are learning about what each of the lobes in our brains do and how they help us to learn and what we can do to keep our brains healthy and happy :)
Some cool things we learned about our sight is that our eyes see everything upside down and the occipital lobe fixes that for us so we can see everything right side up! If you don't wear a helmet or take care of your brain it won't function properly, like if you damage your occipital lobe your sight will begin to have problems or you might not be able to see anymore!
The brain has 2 halves! The right side of my brain controls the left side of my body and the left side of my brain controls the right side of my body! Its really super cool and complicated!
The frontal lobe is in charge of your problem solving and personality. Check out this interesting and informative video on the learning brain!
We earned our free choice back this week! And our Free Writing time. Yay! Next week is a short week, we have school on Monday and Tuesday and a half day on Wednesday. This is due to parent teacher interviews, make sure you book a time! See you all next week!
Thursday we had a peace assembly. We talked about showing kindness and the 3 pillars of respect. Ask me what the 3 pillars are. There is more information about our peace assembly, including videos, on the school blog page.
In gym we played full court Lady Gaga ball again. We also learned how to play tail tag. Organized games are so fun! One of Mr. Collin's favourites is "I am the King!" (mostly because he gets to be the king).
This week we worked hard on the final stages of our stories. We worked on our illustrations, our about the author pages and our title pages. Some people have even finished all the steps and are just waiting for it to be put together.
It was a big week in social studies for us! We talked about fashion. We saw what some traditional First Nations clothing items looked like and some 1700's fashion items from Europe. We talked about how when the Europeans came to Canada and started marrying some of the First Nations women that their fashion started to combine. We looked at another artifact from the Museum. It was a Metis coat made from a Hudson's Bay Company blanket. We also noticed that one of our reading buddies is from the Hudson's Bay Company! We realized this when we noticed the colours on his sweater!
We also got to look at pictures from the museum that showed scenes from when the fur trade was happening in Canada. We brain stormed with our table groups about what we thought was happening in the picture, who was in the picture and what we noticed. We then got to present our ideas to the class.
We also wrote about everything we have learned about the Fur Trade so far. Ask me why the Fur Trade is a significant part of Canadian history. We got to look at and feel a real beaver pelt too! We drew pictures of the Northwest Company and the Hudson's Bay Company and what we thought it would look like to trade with them. We also talked about some of the items they might have traded. The Europeans would sometimes trade knives, coins, blankets, necklaces, beads, rope, weapons like muskets, medicine, food and drinks, and other European luxuries. At this time we learned that they did not trade computers and phones, which was quite mind blowing for us!
In math room 7 played a game called "trash it" it was so fun, all you need is a piece of paper and a dice. Ask us how to play! Room 7 will be teaching Room 8 this game next week!
We learned more about patterns. We made our own patterns with inspiration from around the classroom. Some of us were very creative in our thinking!! Miss Klem showed us a super fun video to teach us a trick about multiplying by 9s too! Check it out below:
We, sadly, did not earn free choice or free writing this week. We did not follow our classroom or school rules this week very consistently, especially during lunch. We have homework that we need to fill out and bring back with a parent signature about what respect means to us and how we will show it more regularly. Instead of free writing we wrote about what respect means to us and why we think it is important.
Next week our school is participating in the Eat Well, Play Well challenge!! This program promotes healthy eating and exercise. We will be going over the National Canada Food Guide to see what kinds of foods and how much food is healthy for us to eat in a day. We will also be learning about our brains and how moving and eating right helps our brains grow and learn!