We finished reading City of Ember this week and then we got to watch the movie! We got to eat lots of popcorn because our teachers thought we were so responsible this week and thought we earned a special little treat! We did a compare and contrast of the book and the movie. There were lots of things that were different in the movie compared to the book.
We are still doing volleyball in gym with Mr. Collins. On Thursday though, Mr. Collins came into our classroom and we did some Star Wars yoga, it was so fun!
Our friends in Division 1 (Kindergarten to grade 2) had their Convention of Learning this week. We got to go around to a few of the classrooms and see what they have been learning about so far this year. Some teachers from last year even came for a visit during convention, it was so nice to see them!
This week we had 3 caroling assemblies! We got to sing our hearts out and watch some really funny "JibJab" videos that Mr. Southworth made of the teachers.
In science we talked about "what is light?" and we went around the school looking for as many sources of light as we could find. We then made a T-chart and sorted what we found into "natural sources" and "man-made sources" like things that need to be plugged in or use batteries and then things that can make their own light like the sun and some animals and insects like fireflies.
In writing this week we wrote some letters to Mayor Nenshi about implementing a city wide snow day because it has been so cold and we are tired of inside recess! We came up with lots of creative and good ideas about why a snow day should happen. Then we wrote about what we would do if we were given a snow day. We practiced our persuasive writing skills further when we wrote letters to our teachers and principal about why we want to do certain things at school.
Today is our last day of school before the winter break and it was Pajama Day! We get two weeks off and we will be back at school Tuesday January 3, 2017! We have homework packages that our teachers sent home with us. These are due back on the first day back at school.
Can't wait to see you all again! Have a wonderful break!
Room 7 & 8